Sunday, May 17, 2015

House for Sale Charlottesville Virginia Update: Real Estate, Land, Homes and Property 4 Sale Cville Albemarle and Central Virginia

House for Sale Charlottesville Virginia Update: Real Estate, Land, Homes and Property 4 Sale Cville Albemarle and Central Virginia

Attention all Real Estate Agents: Your iPad will make a video of your house for sale, on the spot, and then upload and distribute your video of that home for sale to all of your social media AND you real estate web page and blogs!!!!

First step is to take pictures of the house you are trying to market to sell

Next open iMovie on you iPad and insert the pictures of your real estate property in the video player

Use a Ken Burns effect to create a motion picture effect with transitions in between the images

Upload the video to You Tube within the iMovie app and then you can sign onto the internet within your You Tube, and share your real estate video to various blogs and social media for the maximum possible online exposure.  You can even use conglomerate distribution video sites that will place your house for sale real estate video into all of the possible video harboring online platforms.  

Otherwise isn't your house for sale real estate video actually not even a video, it's just sliding pictures on the MLS and that are NOT videos at all and it's EXACTLY, and I mean not even slightly different AT ALL, than every other real estate agent in Virginia.  

This is a business of marketing not only yourself, but YOUR house for sale.  But no, everyone just does it the same as the last, with very few people making their own home videos of their properties for sale and the reality is every one of them has 100% of the technology in their pocket at all times throughout the day.....

Using cleverly crafted, digital, visual media is key for your assimilation into social media sites and the beginning of your online marketing campaign and strategy coming back under your own control.  Picutres have long since been a way of accurately portraying houses for sale in Charlottesville Virginia.  If you have a home for sale in Cville Va, using video WITH pictures to market online, is definitely your best bet.

Then, when you're back in the office, there is no reason at all why you shouldn't be filming yourself or photo editing some engaging info graphics and photo shop close up of the details of the house, and talking and texting throughout the video.....THAT is how you craft and create emotional and educational house for sale videos that attach value to the viewer and leave less to the imagination to miss.  Instead, you point out the details that the home buyer is proobably not picking up on and you again accomplish two things simultaneously.  

One, you take their attention off of the negatives and you keep the viewer engaged with the positive aspects, features and details of the home.  Don't lie, and don't cover up anything you think that a potential home buyer wouldn't want to see. Give them the truth.  ALWAYS.  I had the honor of being able to sit down with the great Charlottesville Real Estate Brokerage owner, Bill May, of ERA Bill May, in these online real estate video educational interviews, that's what I took away from that great opportunity. 

The truth is what your client deserves, and they should get it...and more.  There are no negatives about a house for sale on the market.  There are only less than ideal specifics of each home, depending on the motivations driving the specific viewer.  
I want to be clear.  The people all love video, and scientifically so, because it appeals to the most senses at one time.  

Reading is looking at text and thinking and then imagining all the details that might go with the words.  Then looking at a picture paints a more visually clear take.  Radio allows you only to hear another words, adding the depth , tone and inflection of the reader's voice to the scenario. 

Finally you have video, which appeals to all of those previously described senses at the same time and adds music and motion picture that is, if done right, leaving very few details to the imagination equation that the buyer most solve, unless they are standing in the house.  
So show them everything.  Every aspect you think is a negative has an inversely great opportunity that goes along with that.  

One opportunity will appeal some people, and other's will not see it the same.  Motivations are the key.  It's all about the people, never forget that.  It is all about how THEY, the potential home buyer, views the house.  Do the DYI, want to great value, and thus would enjoy details of the house that needed remodeling.

 Another buyer wants to have a home they don't have to do anything to, and that's the buyer that the beautiful, finished homes will appeal to.  So never say that the house for sale that you are trying to market isn't good enough for video, all houses for sale need to be marketed with video.

SO THAT YOU AS THE REAL ESTATE AGENT, who know the homes best, can craft a digital representattion of the positive values associated with the home, and give the buyer the experience they want to have in order to make the best home buying decision.  Give them the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  Then explain the simple steps and benefits that they can go through to turn all aspects of the home fort sale, into positives.  

SHOW them the value.  Then connect them with the necessary preferred vendors that can professionally see those tasks into reality, and then you as an agent have created a true win-win scenario for everyone.  You've made your client very happy, and you made your job easier with video that lessen their chances of not liking the home when you show it to them.  

Saving you limited and sacred time that you don't have to waste....and money....becasue you marketed the house with video production, and audio production.  You crafted digital content emotion for online advertising and you giave them what they needed to see, in order to make the right decision for them and their family........
experience , 
Do the right thing to give yourself the best chance to sell you house by making your own video and easily and quickly uploading it to all of the necessary social media. Create your own simple online real estate, house for sale marketing plan.....all before you've even walked out of the house for sale that you want to market.

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